August 12, 2008


Welcome to my new blog! Let me introduce myself: I am a 30-something Interior Designer living in Florida and working my way back to New York City as finances permit. I am a lover of all things design! In addition to creating beautiful spaces, I create beautiful fashion in my spare time.

At 29, I was living in New York and decided that I'd had enough of working for ungrateful architects and was ready to take my hobby, designing clothing, into a full-time career. I enrolled in the Fashion Institute of Technology and received an Associate's Degree in Fashion Design. Being a student in Manhattan took a toll on my wallet - hard. After weighing all of my options, I decided the only way to get out of student debt and back into 30-something financial stability was to leave expensive New York, move back to moderately-priced Florida and take a job doing what would pay the most - working for an architect.

So I made my way back "home" to long lost friends, acquired 2 loving pups named Stella and Jacob, and somehow in the process, re-discovered my love of Interior Design. As it turns out, I don't hate the profession after all, I just hate working for architects! But it pays the bills, for now anyway.

In the future, I have a vision of a design firm: a firm based on the belief that you don't have to spend a fortune to have a fabulous space. I know some designers who would disagree with that statement (designers who lack vision and creativity, and were, unfortunately, by bosses). But being an Interior Designer, as all designers know, comes with a huge catch-22: the job doesn't pay that well, and we always have expensive taste. It pays so little, in fact, that when I was hired into my first position right out of college, I took a paycut from waiting tables - part time. So how does a starving artist outfit their own digs stylishly and on a budget? Well, a little creativity, a little elbow grease, and IKEA help a lot. So someday, I hope to be able to give all young stylish starving artists what I have been able to give myself: a fabulous pad on a shoestring budget. (Ok, well, it's in the works anyway.) Stay tuned...

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