October 30, 2008

Runway Rewind

Any belief I may have that good things only happen to bad people comes to a screeching halt when I talk about Daniel Vosovic. Designer, illustrator, and now - author - not to mention a hell of a nice guy. A brief stint at the Fashion Institute of Technology in NYC allowed me to get to know this talented guy a little, and believe me when I say that success couldn't happen to a nicer person. Daniel conducts himself with style, grace and poise, and he speaks with an eloquence usually reserved for those veterans of their trade. Leave it to someone so stylish to hold the launch party for his new book, "Daniel Vosovic: Fashion Inside Out" at the slick Vlada Lounge in midtown Manhattan. Also in attendance were Fern Mallis, Senior Vice President of IMG Fashion (she produces New York Fashion week, y'all - she's the one every designer wants to know), Stella (aka Lea-tha!) and Suede, from the most recent season of Runway. Never one to pass up a networking opportunity, I introduced myself to Suede who is just as friendly and down-to-earth as he is talented. Stella left early to meet Hedda Lettuce (Gasp!) for another party, and well, while we only saw part of what went down in that room during the infamous Drag Queen challenge, let's just say that she and Suede did not kiss and make up when the challenge was over. Suede, we've got your back, baby! Put that Queen in her place!

But I digress... so, dear readers, (all 2 of you) go out to your local Barnes and Noble, Borders, Amazon.com or whoever takes your American Express Platinum card, and buy a copy of Fashion Inside Out. If you're a Runway fan, an aspiring designer, or just curious about what goes on behind the scenes in the fashion world, you won't be disappointed. Would I lie?

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