October 12, 2008

At last! My arm is complete again!

I have finally returned to my beloved New York! It feels just like the scene from Sweeney Todd when he finally gets his knives back and says "At last! My arm is complete again!" Last week was spent visiting all my favorite places - Gray's Papaya on 72nd and Broadway, The Magnolia Bakery in the West Village, and Sea Thai Bistro in Brooklyn. If it weren't for all the walking, I would have gained 10 pounds by now.

After consuming one too many cupcakes, I took a stroll around the corner to 66 Perry Street, also known as the home of Carrie Bradshaw on Sex and the City (notice the owner's attempt to keep crazed fans off her stoop!) Stay tuned for more of my adventures in the City that Never Sleeps...

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