December 16, 2008

Snow Day!

Snowflakes the size of golf balls? That's what's coming down outside our office windows right now. Looks like I'll be walking home on a white blanket tonight. It won't take long for this one to cover. Happy Snow Day!

December 13, 2008

Store I've Missed: Club Monaco

One of the things I hate the most about Florida is the lack of decent shopping (save the Millenia Mall in Orlando where you can buy Jimmy Choo and Crate & Barrel under the same roof - oh my!) Somehow the fashion train always seems to arrive in Florida 4years late. Regardless of the fact that they sell the same copies of Vogue there as they do in NYC, the trends and styles of the moment never seem to trickle into the mainstream shopping in Florida quite as fast as they should. Some stores are altogether unrepresented (exception: Miami seems to be it's own Fashion Island in Florida and yet somehow the other cities cannot follow their example). One store I've missed regular window-shopping trips to is Club Monaco. Think of it as a more edgy Banana Republic. Although a bit over-priced at retail, they discount deeply when merchandise is marked down and are a great source for well-fitting "basis with a twist". Not your run-of-the-mill black pants and white shirt store. Amen.

December 12, 2008

Efficient Efficiency

I always laugh when I hear people complain about living in 1,200 square feet. Here in New York, 1,200 square feet is a luxury reserved for only those who are very wealthy, or those who have 11 roommates. We are lucky if our studio is large enough to fit a bed AND a couch. Accordingly, it’s very important to have a well-thought out design plan when you live in a small space. Case in point: Italian Architect Luca Andrisani’s Manhattan apartment as featured in the November issue of Metropolitan Home. I love it when I see an architect who cares about interiors – especially their own. His design makes great use of every inch of space in his 400 square foot apartment, from a double-sided storage wall to a rotating flat-screen TV that can be swiveled to be viewed from either the living room or the bedroom. He is an incredibly talented designer – not to mention incredibly good-looking! I wonder if he’s single…okay, in this business, I guess the question should be, I wonder if he's straight and single?

November 12, 2008

And the Winner Is...

Nathan's winning Dining Room with custom-designed chandelier (yes, those are paper plates!)

This post is a week overdue, mainly due to the fact that I don't have a TV right now and had to wait until the finale of Top Design was posted on, but also because this post brings up the issue of Interior Designer vs. Interior Decorator: what's the difference, anyway?? I will delve into the definitions of the profession in a later post, because the public at large is greatly uneducated about my profession (due in large part to shows like this). But for now, I want to share with you my favorite rooms from the season finale of Bravo's Top Design.

Pink and black living room by Ondine (she's from Brooklyn - holla!)

Guest room by Preston - nice mouldings, but a little too blah for my taste.

November 11, 2008

Almost Famous

If you happen to stop by an Urban Outfitters store sometime this Holiday season, pick up their latest catalog. My Brooklyn loft (technically my brother's loft but I'm currently living there!) is featured prominently on the inside back cover, as well as several other pages. I'm frankly surprised this is the first time UO has rented this location. A Brooklyn warehouse loft and Urban Outfitters are a perfect match - grunge meets grunge.

November 5, 2008

Dear America,

You did us proud.

November 3, 2008

Finalized: Color Scheme!

The Inspiration: Actress Rashida Jones' Manhattan studio apartment featured in a recent issue of Domino.

A new apartment always means one thing: lots of shopping. It seems whatever you had in your old place just never seems to fit quite right in the new place. In this particular move, I knew I would be downsizing from a one bedroom to a studio apartment, which presents a whole new set of challenges. For several months now I've been frantically pulling together tear sheets, paint chips, fabric samples and perusing every website and design blog I can find for inspiration. I have decided, for once in my life, I am going to treat myself as my own client and actually create a design plan for my new apartment. After sorting through the wish-list, I have settled on a scheme of black-and-white, lavendar, deep purple, light blue and turquoise. Being a designer and creating a pulled-together space for yourself is always a challenge because we love everything we see and want it all, but in a small space, it's best to keep to a consistent pallete or it could end up looking haphazard. I've flipped back and forth on the colors several times now, the only consistent color being light blue (an existing armchair I am keeping and have to work with), so posting it on this blog is my way of sealing the deal. I'm not allowed to change my mind again!

The Headboard: Cheap and Chic from Target!

Window Treatments: Lavendar Dupioni Silk

Jonathan Adler's "Love" Pillow

Jonathan Adler's "Links" Pillow

Thomas Paul's "Flock" Pillow

Crate and Barrel's "Tempo Velvet" Pillow

Pair of Foo Dogs

Sunburst Mirror: A great e-bay find for only $70!

Circa Lighting's "Dean" Sconce

November 2, 2008

The Freaks Come Out at Night

And usually they are confined to the East Village, but one night a year, they migrate West and march up 6th Avenue in the Village Halloween Parade. This year's freaks consisted of 73 zombies and Michael Jackson impersonators doing the "Thriller" dance to set the Guineess World Record, serveral Sarah Palin beauty queens, a group of Richard Simmons look-alikes, the usual assortment of Freddy Krugers and Michael Meyers, Witches in Bikinis and "2 girls and a cup" (if you don't know what I'm talking about, you don't want to - trust me). Enjoy!

October 30, 2008

Water, Water Everywhere and Not a Drop to Drink

Carrie Bradshaw once said that "In New York, we are always searching for a job, a boyfriend, or an apartment." I am currently searching for all three. The boyfriend, not so important at the moment, but the job, and subsequently the apartment, very much so. Even though no landlord in their sane mind would rent an apartment to an unemployed girl with a non-existent bank account, it doesn't hurt to look. Keeping an eye on the rental market is smart - I'll know what prices to pay (and not to pay) for the neighborhoods I want to live in when I'm ready to rent. You know the phenomenon that when you need the perfect cocktail dress for a specific event you can never find anything remotely pretty but when you have no where in particular to go, every dress looks like it should live in your closet? Such is my current dilemma. During my apartment browsing today, I came across "The One". The One that jumps off the page and screams at you "This is your new home!!!". Pre-war 1 bedroom, Upper West Side, 1 block from Central Park, beautiful inlaid hardwood floors, PERFECT proportions, french doors, and in my target budget. But alas, even if this beauty is still on the market when I am in the market, sadly the building does not allow dogs. Haters! But see below, what has now become the benchmark for "my perfect New York apartment". Enjoy!

The Building: West 89th Street and Central Park West

The apartment gets lots of gorgeous sunlight with 2 large windows!

Bedroom (tiny but just big enough to fit a queen bed, nightstand and dresser)

Living Room and BEAUTIFUL decorative fireplace!

Kitchen (you enter the apartment from the right; the bathroom is on the left) Critical space plan issue: in a small apartment it's very important to have a "buffer zone" between the living space and the bathroom!

Petite, but well-planned layout!

Runway Rewind

Any belief I may have that good things only happen to bad people comes to a screeching halt when I talk about Daniel Vosovic. Designer, illustrator, and now - author - not to mention a hell of a nice guy. A brief stint at the Fashion Institute of Technology in NYC allowed me to get to know this talented guy a little, and believe me when I say that success couldn't happen to a nicer person. Daniel conducts himself with style, grace and poise, and he speaks with an eloquence usually reserved for those veterans of their trade. Leave it to someone so stylish to hold the launch party for his new book, "Daniel Vosovic: Fashion Inside Out" at the slick Vlada Lounge in midtown Manhattan. Also in attendance were Fern Mallis, Senior Vice President of IMG Fashion (she produces New York Fashion week, y'all - she's the one every designer wants to know), Stella (aka Lea-tha!) and Suede, from the most recent season of Runway. Never one to pass up a networking opportunity, I introduced myself to Suede who is just as friendly and down-to-earth as he is talented. Stella left early to meet Hedda Lettuce (Gasp!) for another party, and well, while we only saw part of what went down in that room during the infamous Drag Queen challenge, let's just say that she and Suede did not kiss and make up when the challenge was over. Suede, we've got your back, baby! Put that Queen in her place!

But I digress... so, dear readers, (all 2 of you) go out to your local Barnes and Noble, Borders, or whoever takes your American Express Platinum card, and buy a copy of Fashion Inside Out. If you're a Runway fan, an aspiring designer, or just curious about what goes on behind the scenes in the fashion world, you won't be disappointed. Would I lie?

October 17, 2008

Sleepwalking and My Mother Strikes Again

Tonight I had the honor of attending opening night of comic Mike Birbiglia's limited-engagement off-broadway show, Sleepwalk with Me. A longtime Birbigs fan, I was thrilled to actually be seeing him perform live for the first time. To be honest I can't even remember how I was introduced to his comedy, but his highly addictive brand of real-life storytelling humor had me ordering the CD "Two Drink Mike" from Comedy Central and burning down the battery of my ipod with it for weeks. Two years later, his material continues to evolve and is funnier than ever. But don't take my word for it, check out his reel here. The roughly 2-hour show takes you on a remarkably honest journey through Mike's life as he tells the true story of his history with a sleepwalking disorder, love, doctors, and divulging the personal details of his life against the advice of his Dad.

“This is a project that I’ve been working on secretly for 4 years and my dream was always that it would cross over into theater,” said Mike Birbiglia. “The fact that Seth Barrish is directing and these incredible producers believe in the show- it really feels like great timing in a way that I could never have imagined. Doing this show in NYC is a huge honor. It’s also very convenient - roughly about 30 blocks from my apartment.”

After the show, I stepped out onto Bleeker Steet and checked my cell to see that I had missed 2 calls from my mother (I firmly believe that Mike's bit reminding people to silence their phones was designed specifically for my mother, who I had told I would be in a show from 8 to 10 and not to call). In the midst of yet another argument in which she manages to make me feel about 2 inches tall and completely worthless, the theatre doors open and out steps Mike with none other than the remarkable Nathan Lane. Before my head could stop reeling from the argument long enough to walk up and say hello, they were off in a cab to what I later discovered was a post-show interview with XM Comedy. Perhaps next time Mike will have time to stick around and sign playbills and I will be smart enough to not answer my phone.

October 12, 2008

At last! My arm is complete again!

I have finally returned to my beloved New York! It feels just like the scene from Sweeney Todd when he finally gets his knives back and says "At last! My arm is complete again!" Last week was spent visiting all my favorite places - Gray's Papaya on 72nd and Broadway, The Magnolia Bakery in the West Village, and Sea Thai Bistro in Brooklyn. If it weren't for all the walking, I would have gained 10 pounds by now.

After consuming one too many cupcakes, I took a stroll around the corner to 66 Perry Street, also known as the home of Carrie Bradshaw on Sex and the City (notice the owner's attempt to keep crazed fans off her stoop!) Stay tuned for more of my adventures in the City that Never Sleeps...

October 11, 2008

Hey, have you heard???

This has absolutely nothing to do with anything, I'm just posting it for pure entertainment value alone.

September 16, 2008

Reason #152 Why I'm Moving Back to New York

Two words: Sample Sale.

For those of you unfamiliar with Lulu DK, textile designer Lulu de Kwiatkowski offers a beautiful line of fabrics, bedding, and wallcoverings with patterns inspired by her travels to India, Morocco, and Peru. Her textiles have been featured on the sets of Sex and the City and Friends, to name a few. And if you're like me and drool over the fictional homes of movie characters, you will recognize her "Paradiso" pattern on the sofa pillows in the apartment of Sarah Jessica Parker and Zooey Dechanel in Failure to Launch. Although the price point is up there, I am determined for a couple of yards of "Paradiso" and "Chant Reverse" to make their way into the decor of my future New York apartment. For those of you who live in NYC and can make it to this sample sale: I'm green with envy!

My Attempts at Graphic Design...

One additional skill that I added to my resume this year is Photoshop. This was born out of complete boredom in my days at Baker Barrios Architects, during a slow period when I was having trouble filling the 8 hour days. One thing I learned from my experience there is that if you want to acquire a new skill, you're better off teaching yourself. If you sit around waiting for someone to instruct you, you're going to be waiting a long time. I was lucky enough to have the wonderfully talented artist and Director of Design, Monte Olinger, give me a few tips on rendering and teach me a couple of tricks of the Photoshop trade. I am certainly no expert, but I have come a long way. In my first attempts at graphic design using Photoshop, I've created my very first personal logo as an Interior Designer, which will be printed up on business cards as soon as I have a permanent address to put on them! I need to work on the resolution a bit, but you get the idea...

Rent My Apartment

I am currently seeking a responsible, employed tenant for my fabulous 1 bedroom Millenia apartment. If you or anyone you know is looking for a place to live, please e-mail me. The rent is $850 per month with a 1 month security deposit and pets are ok.

August 20, 2008

The Next Project Runway Challenge?

Those of you who live in the Central Florida area have seen by now, I'm sure, the new Fashion ads promoting Valencia Community College. The ads themselves are pure genius, and particularly fun for fashion addicts. Each look was designed to reflect a different major: criminal justice, architecture, education. The designs, although not street wearable, are truly innovative. Kudos to the team who put these ads together! You can see the entire "line", all three ad spots, along with the original sketches here. Vat are you vaiting for, people!!!

Homegoods, How I Love Thee...

I am somewhat of a Homegoods addict. The thrill is in knowing that it's never the same store twice. They are constantly getting in new shipments of housewares, beautiful china, lamps, bedding and furniture. It's a design geek's heaven, especially if you're on a budget.

My latest Homegoods score: a $400 Shine Home lamp for $79. I almost went into shock when I saw it on the shelf. At first the striking black on yellow design caught my eye, and then I realized that I had seen this lamp somewhere before. I checked the original tag that was still attached, and lo and behold! Shine Home! They happen to be one of my favorite houseware retailers who I can never afford to buy from. It doesn't even work with my current decor, but since I will be moving soon, I'm sure I can find a place for it in my new studio apartment in Manhattan. What's a Lamp Tramp to do???